New to the list. Not to ColdFusion

The contract I'm working on is using NextPage NXT3 to manage documents. They 
want to do some management of the NextPage environment through the 
ColdFusion system. (Never mind that Verity is better it has been discussed)

NextPage has provided developers with com objects so that collections can be 
built by using the objects.

One of these objects is merely used to define options and is created like 

In asp
Set objNPOptions = Server.CreateObject("NextPage.NPOptions")

to create the name value pairs the command is this:

objNPOptions("title") = "Title"

objNPOptions.item("title") = "Title"

I've been trying to convert this into cold fusion but my conversion bombs 
when I attempt the same

<cfset objNPOptions.item("title") = "Title">

Can't use a function on the left side of an assignment. (sigh)

The unfortunate thing is the NPOptions object is required to set the options 
for other objects like
objSiteAdmin.CreateInfobase objNPOptions, "name", "c:\filename.nfo"

aka in ColdFusion
<cfset objSiteAdmin.CreateInfobase(objNPOptions, "testname", 

I tried structures and arrays but it seems that NPOptions is an object that 
the other com objects are expecting

-from the desk of Joshua O'Connor-Rose
-All is good

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