Actually, I just found it.  Sheesh...

In CFMX, there's a basic mapping to "/" which points to the root of the
IIS default web site.  If you put a 404.cfm file in there, and then set
this to "/404.cfm".. It works.  

And.. I solved the problem of dynamic 404 redirects using this setting.
I just created, within the "/404.cfm" file:

<cfhttp url="http://#cgi.SERVER_NAME#/404.cfm"/>

That way.. If they have a 404.cfm file, it'll display it.  If not.. It
does the standard 404 error.

Of course, this only works for .CFM files.  The .HTM (and other) files
are handled by the "Custom Errors" setting in IIS.

| -----Original Message-----
| From: Brook Davies [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
| Sent: Friday, November 15, 2002 11:53 PM
| To: CF-Talk
| Subject: Re: Missing Template Handler...
| Lee,
| This is really messed up. I had the same problem. Solved it by:
| 1. Adding a mapping in the cfadmin for a /errortemplates/ 
| path and then 
| used that path when asked.
| 2. I still got the error that the template did not exist - 
| this is a bug, 
| try it - it should work
| Brook
| At 11:47 PM 15/11/02 -0800, you wrote:
| >Ok.. Now I KNOW I hate help files for certain!!  Sheesh
| >
| >The help for "Missing Template Handler" says:
| >
| >"This fields lets you specify a default template to execute any time 
| >the ColdFusion Application Server cannot find a requested template."
| >
| >REALLY??  NAW!  Say it isn't SO!  8/
| >
| >I KNEW that.  I'm looking for an example.  Something that 
| may give me a 
| >clue as to what this may be set to.  It certainly cannot be to a 
| >specific (and complete) file/dir path, cause that ain't 
| working.  When 
| >I enter that, it errors saying:
| >
| >"The file specified as the site wide missing template 
| handler does not 
| >exist. The default missing template handler will be used until a 
| >replacement is created."
| >
| >Ok.. well, then what do you set it to?  Relative to WHAT?
| >
| >The docs don't say, and there's nothing I can find in the 
| support site.
| >
| >Anyone have a clue here?
| >
| >
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