Absolutely.  That's something we tested, and it did seem to make a
slight difference.  It did not stop things like cyclical calls to a page
-- which, in reality, do happen and should be managed by the server...
rather than simply being brought to it's knees.

| Piling up some assumptions:
| First of all, CF MX will wait indefinitely for database queries to 
| return if there is a problem in the JDBC driver or the database that 
| does not return an error condition. This will add to the 
| running request 
| number as well as eat 1 client access licence from the 
| dataabse server. This means that following request will have 
| less threads to work with, 
| and have to open a new databse connection. Eventually, this database 
| connection also breaks. Next client access license + thread eaten. 
| Process repeats itself until the maximum number of allowed 
| requests is 
| reached.
| Some way to test this scenario would be to disable connection 
| pooling. 
| Then you should be able to see on the database side how long 
| connections 
|   stay open. If they stay open past the longest query, you found the 
| problem.
| Another option would be to try and limit the amount of connections to 
| the database to something less as the restart threshold. Then 
| you would 
| start to see timeouts from queries not being able to get a database 
| connection before the server actually crashes.

That's just the point, it doesn't work.  And to my knowledge it has
*never* worked in any version of CF.  Certainly not that I could ever
see.  The server could be brought down thru DOS attacks.  And
essentially, this is what is happening -- albeit not "on purpose."

| > At any rate.. The theory is that the latest SP will fix some of the 
| > issues.  But in reality, this is truly a design issue -- 
| one that will 
| > require somewhat of a redesign on how CFMX services manage 
| themselves, 
| > report/handle errors and runaway conditions, etc.  As we 
| all know, the 
| > "Restart Server on X Unresponsive Requests" simply has never worked.
| I think the current behaviour is OK, as long as the "Restart 
| Server on X 
| Unresponsive Requests" works. I never have that many hung 
| threads so I 
| can't confirm or deny.

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