
Here is something that I wrote...

        <cffunction name="GetUserData" access="public" 
output="true" displayname="Get User Data" hint="display the form 
the user will fill out to provide data about a User">
                <!-- This function displays the form to be used to 
provide data for a User (primarily for editing) -->
                <!-- This function is not complete.  Access 
restriction code has not been added yet. -->
                <cfargument name="Customer" type="numeric" 
required="true" default="THIS.CustomerIndex" 
displayname="Customer" hint="The Index of the Customer to which 
the USer will be addaed (key into the Company table).">
                <cfquery datasource="#REQUEST.dbSource#" 
username="#REQUEST.dbUserName#" password="#REQUEST.dbPassword#" 
                        SELECT *
                        FROM Company
                        ORDER BY CompanyName 
                        <script language="JavaScript" 
                                function validateForm(form)
                                        //This function goes 
through each of the form fields and determines if an entry has 
been made.
                                        //If an entry has not been 
made, it asks the user to confirm that the lack of entry was 
                                        //If the user fails to 
confirm, the function returns a false.
                                        //Further modifications 
may include for the requirement of certain fields.
                                        //loop through each of the 
input fields and make sure a response has been given for each.
                                        for (var i = 0; i < 
(form.elements.length - 1); i++)
                                                if (form.elements
[i].value == "")
                                                        //if the 
field is blank
        form.elements[i].focus();  //set the focus to the field
                                                        if (!
window.confirm(form.elements[i].name + " does not have a value.  
Is this what you want?"))
        //ask for confirmation of intentionally leaving it out
        return false;
        //if confirmation fails (the user hit cancel) then return 
false (preventing the submission)
                                                }  //end if 
(form.elements[i].value == "")
                                        } //end for loop
                                }  //end function validateForm
                                function setEmployeeLogin()
        formUserDataEntry.EmployeeLogin.value = 
formUserDataEntry.EmployeeFirstName.substring(0,0) + 
                                function setEmployeePassword()
(formUserDataEntry.EmployeePassword1.value == 
        formUserDataEntry.EmployeePassword.value = 
and Confirm entries of Password do not match.  Please re-enter.");
        formUserDataEntry.EmployeePassword1.value = "";
        formUserDataEntry.EmployeePassword2.value = "";
                        <form id="formUserDataEntry" 
name="formUserDataEntry" title="User Data Entry Form" 
action="Customer.cfc?method=AddUser" method="post" 
                                <input id="inputUserIndex" 
name="EmployeeIndex" title="Employee Index" type="hidden" 
value="<cfif isDefined("THIS.UserIndex")
>#THIS.UserIndex#</cfif>" />
                                <label id="labelInputFirstName" 
title="Label for First Name Input" for="EmployeeFirstName">First 
Name:  <input id="inputFirstName" name="EmployeeFirstName" 
title="Employee First Name" type="text" size="12" maxlength="10" 
onchange="setEmployeeLogin()" value="<cfif isDefined
("THIS.FirstName")>#THIS.FirstName#</cfif>" /></label>
id="labelInputMiddleInitial" title="Label for Middle Initial 
Input" for="EmployeeMiddleInitial">Middle Initial:  <input 
id="inputMiddleInitial" name="EmployeeMiddleInitial" 
title="Employee Middle Initial" type="text" size="7" maxlength="5" 
value="<cfif isDefined("THIS.MiddleInitial")
>#THIS.MiddleInitial#</cfif>" /></label>
                                <label id="labelInputLastName" 
title="Label for Last Name Input" for="EmployeeLastName">Last 
Name:  <input id="inputLastName" name="EmployeeLastName" 
title="Employee Last Name" type="text" size="17" maxlength="15" 
onchange="setEmployeeLogin()" value="<cfif isDefined
("THIS.LastName")>#THIS.LastName#</cfif>" /></label>
                                <label id="labelInputTitle" 
title="Label for Title Input" for="EmployeeTitle">Title:  <input 
id="inputTitle" name="EmployeeTitle" title="Employee Title" 
type="text" size="27" maxlength="25" value="<cfif isDefined
("THIS.Title")>#THIS.Title#</cfif>" /></label>
                                <label id="labelInputEMail" 
title="Label for EMail Input" for="EmployeeEMail">EMail:  <input 
id="inputEMail" name="EmployeeEMail" title="Employee EMail 
Address" type="text" size="52" maxlength="50" value="<cfif 
isDefined("THIS.EMail")>#THIS.EMail#</cfif>" /></label>
                                <label id="labelInputAIM" 
title="Label for AIM Input" for="EmployeeAIMScreenName">AIM Screen 
Name:  <input id="inputAIM" name="EmployeeAIMScreenName" 
title="Employee AIM Screen Name" type="text" size="17" 
maxlength="15" value="<cfif isDefined("THIS.AIM")
>#THIS.AIM#</cfif>" /></label>
                                <label id="labelInputTelephone" 
title="Label for Telephone Input" 
for="EmployeeTelephone">Telephone:  <input id="inputTelephone" 
name="EmployeeTelephone" title="Employee Telephone" type="text" 
size="17" maxlength="15" value="<cfif isDefined("THIS.Telephone")
>#THIS.Telephone#</cfif>" /></label>
                                <label id="labelSelectCustomer" 
title="Label for Customer Select" for="Company">Customer:  
                                        <select id="inputCustomer" 
name="Company" title="Customer" size="1">
id="CompanyDefault" title="Company Default" value="0">Select a 
Customer </option>
id="Company#CompanyIndex#" title="#CompanyName#" 
value="#CompanyIndex#"<cfif isDefined("THIS.Customer")><cfif 
#THIS.Customer# EQ #CompanyIndex#> 
                                <label id="labelInputLogin" 
title="Label for Login Input" for="EmployeeLogin">Login:  <input 
id="inputLogin" name="EmployeeLogin" title="Employee Login" 
type="text" size="18" maxlength="16" value="<cfif isDefined
("THIS.Login")>#THIS.Login#</cfif>" /></label>
                                <label id="labelInputPassword1" 
title="Label for Password1 Input" 
for="EmployeePassword1">Password:  <input id="inputPassword1" 
name="EmployeePassword1" title="Employee Password" type="password" 
size="17" maxlength="15" 
value="<cfif isDefined("THIS.Password")
>#THIS.Password#</cfif>" /></label>
                                <label id="labelInputPassword2" 
title="Label for Password2 Input" for="EmployeePassword2">Confirm 
Password:  <input id="inputPassword2" name="EmployeePassword2" 
title="Confirm Employee Password" type="password" size="17" 
maxlength="15" onchange="setEmployeePassword()" value="<cfif 
isDefined("THIS.Password")>#THIS.Password#</cfif>" /></label>
                                <input id="inputPassword" 
name="EmployeePassword" title="Employee Password" type="hidden" 
size="17" maxlength="15" value="<cfif isDefined("THIS.Password")
>#THIS.Password#</cfif>" />
                                <input id="inputRole" 
name="EmployeeRole" title="Employee Role" type="hidden" 
value="3" />
                                <label id="labelButtonSubmit" 
title="Label for Submit Button" for="Submit"><button 
id="buttonSubmit" name="Submit" 

Robert J. Polickoski
Senior Programmer, ISRD Inc.
(540) 842-6339
AIM - RobertJFP

---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: "Cutter (CF_Talk)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date:  Mon, 09 Dec 2002 11:46:09 -0500

>Does anyone have an example of a CFComponent with a function that 
>returns HTML formatted output. Trying to write a function that 
>a query based on specific arguments then outputs a select box 
based upon 
>the query results as well as some of the other arguments. I'd 
like to 
>make it a web service but not sure if possible. (Documentation 
for this 
>stuff seems kinda limited on MM, though I might just be looking 
in the 
>wrong places.)
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