> But, my client wants a way to add the text, hit enter, then preview
> it with the ability to make changes before it goes live. After the
> preview/change process he can hit another submit button to have the
> info go live.
> I'm looking for ideas as to where to start. Is this possible? Do I
> need 2 tables, a beta table that is used before it goes live to the
> final table? I'd need to figure out how to get the record from the
> beta table to the live table.

Just use one table, and add a "Status" field to it.  Have the default value
of this field be "inactive" (or 0 or "false" or "no" or whatever).  When the
user is satisfied with the data and they submit the preview form just change
this value to "active" (or 1 or "true" or "yes" or whatever).

Then simply modify the query used on your "live" page to only pull data
where the status value is "active".  Also, if you ever want to prevent a
record from displaying, but you don't want to delete it, just change the
status back to "inactive" and it will stop appearing on the live page.

Make sense?

Seth Petry-Johnson
Argo Enterprise and Associates

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