Correct.  I was going to mention that myself.  SMTP-AUTH really checks
to see if a sender is an authorized user by matching the username and
password with what is in the DB for that user.  If it matches, it allows
the SMTP traffic to pass.  Otherwise, it denies it.  This doesn't really
have anything to do with RDNS.

As for entering everything in the reverse zone, we've tried that.  And
unfortunately several of those systems that use RDNS to protect against
SPAM are not doing so by name (or the "HELO" listing), but rather by IP.
Therefore, we found that unless that same domain (the one in the "from"
header) is the first one that the name server answers to when asked for
RDNS, than it will reject it as invalid.

| -----Original Message-----
| From: Jason Burnett [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
| Sent: Wednesday, December 18, 2002 12:25 PM
| To: CF-Talk
| Subject: Re: OT: AOL?
| I am not trying to start a flame war here, I just want to 
| make sure noone gets the wrong impression and confirm or 
| disprove what I thought SMTP-AUTH was. As far as I can tell 
| from RFC 2554 SMTP-AUTH really has nothing to do with 
| checking reverse DNS, it is just an authentication method.
| on Wed Dec 18 samcfug spoke forth with the blessed manuscript
| > I see your point, however, in my own case as a email 
| hosting provider, 
| > I have the settings set to enable SMTP AUTH, which is what 
| you mean by 
| > doing the reverse lookup.  I also make it a point to create 
| the "in-addr-arpa" record in
| > DNS that takes care of it.   That is just another task in 
| hosting email domains.
| > In fact I use a script that takes care of all this when 
| adding a new 
| > domain. If you were an ISP or hosting provider, you would 
| be aware of 
| > the constant attacks by others trying to spoof one of your hosted 
| > addresses, including virus attacks such as the Klez Virus, 
| which are 
| > all turned away at the server. That is my story, and I am 
| sticking to 
| > it! :-)
| > =====================================
| > Douglas White
| > group Manager
| > mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
| >
| > =====================================
| > ----- Original Message -----
| > From: "Lee Fuller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| > To: "CF-Talk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| > Sent: Wednesday, December 18, 2002 1:12 PM
| > Subject: RE: OT: AOL?
| > | Ya know.. Don't let them hit you with that.
| > |
| > | The problem is, new sysadmins tend to think that making 
| changes is 
| > | part of their job.  We had a MAJOR battle with HUD since 
| one of our 
| > | customers submits information to them via email regularly.  
| > | Suddenly, they could not contact HUD, due to a policy change by a 
| > | new admin who decided that if the email server didn't 
| reverse to the 
| > | same domain name, it was most-likely SPAM.  The problem 
| is (as you 
| > | are most likely aware) that with 1000's of domain names 
| on a single 
| > | mail server, how could you POSSIBLY reverse to them?  Even if you 
| > | added all the reverse names to your DNS server manually, it would 
| > | never answer with the right one first.. So it's not logical.
| > |
| > | We have to force them to understand that THEY are not the 
| > | on the planet... and that making willy-nilly admin 
| decisions effects 
| > | millions.  If we fight back, they will change the policy.
| > |
| > | Just my .02...
| > |
| > |
| > |
| > | | -----Original Message-----
| > | | From: Kris Pilles [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
| > | | Sent: Wednesday, December 18, 2002 11:05 AM
| > | | To: CF-Talk
| > | | Subject: RE: OT: AOL?
| > | |
| > | |
| > | | Aol says my reverse DNS is not up.... But everything on 
| my server 
| > | | appears to be working fine.... I guess its my fault 
| after all lol
| > | |
| > | | -----Original Message-----
| > | | From: Bud [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
| > | | Sent: Wednesday, December 18, 2002 1:44 PM
| > | | To: CF-Talk
| > | | Subject: RE: OT: AOL?
| > | |
| > | |
| > | | On 12/18/02, Kris Pilles penned:
| > | | >No good.... This sucks... MY clients are starting to 
| notice this 
| > | | >too.....  Weird thing is the mail just disappears... No
| > | | bounce back or
| > | | >anything like that...
| > | |
| > | | I occasionally have similar problems. I ALWAYS use them as an 
| > | | opportunity to point out to my client that they are 
| LIKELY losing 
| > | | other e-mails, some which may be important. I point out to them 
| > | | (as Howie did to you) that they don't generally bounce the 
| > | | e-mails, so the sender has no way of knowing what the 
| problem is 
| > | | so they may rectify it, or even if there is a problem 
| on his/her 
| > | | end and that the best course of action is to dump AOL 
| for a true 
| > | | ISP.
| > | |
| > | | That said, I do have an AOL account which I use for testing web 
| > | | sites. Email address is buddy123. I'll be glad to check the 
| > | | account if you want to send something there.
| > | | --
| > | |
| > | | Bud Schneehagen - Tropical Web Creations
| > | |
| > | | _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/
| > | | ColdFusion Solutions / eCommerce Development 
| > | | 954.721.3452
| > | |
| > | |
| > | 
| > 
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