Well I bet it can be done using the GetURL or some send and Load objects
- I was just playing around with it. There 1 work around I had found -
it is here...
Basically - you can use the chromeless window concept or a frame concept
- but bottom line is your sending variables through javascript and html
to get the upload to work. 

If you do it graphically well - no one would know the difference.


Funny thing about your code below is - you mentioned you never got a
error or a failed.. just figured I would share - you are forcing a
success=true or false on the .cfm page strings.. in flash 6 player you
don't need to do this - flash 6 player provides success true or false.

Good luck - I know I have seen this done in all falsh SOMEWHERE - I
would love to use it and modify it so will keep searching - but the
above link provides a definate working sample to make life easier.

jay miller

Christian Cantrell wrote:

I think Matt is right on this one.  I don't think it can be done other  

than to pop up a small browser instance and use an HTML form.  Browsers

place a lot of security restrictions around file inputs (and rightfully

so), so I think you may just have to play by the browser's rules.

You can always ask for a URL, then have the server download the file,  

or ask the user to paste the contents of the file into a text field if  

the file is known to be all text, but these are not particularly  

attractive solutions.

Sounds like a Flash feature request to me.


On Wednesday, January 8, 2003, at 05:30 PM, Joshua Miller wrote:


Actually, what I'm trying to do is simulate the FILE input field to

Upload a file against a CFML page. Strangely, I've tried and tried and

the CF page doesn't fail or error, it just doesn't upload the file.

It acts like the contentType isn't being set or as if it doesn't

recognize the fact that I'm trying to UPLOAD a file.

Again, here's the FLASH:


function respond(){

 goToAndPlay("My Scene",1);



function upload(){

 dtsVars = new LoadVars();




 dtsVars.sendAndLoad( "";
<> ,dtsVars,"POST");




Here's the CFML to process the upload:


<cfif isdefined("myfile")>

        <cffile action="UPLOAD" filefield="myfile" destination="d:\"






Anyone have any clues? I'm going to try Matt's idea with the chromeless

window if I can't actually use ActionScript.

Does anyone from Macromedia have a suggestion? Can you upload files to

CF from FLASH ???

Joshua Miller

Head Programmer / IT Manager

Garrison Enterprises Inc.

www.garrisonenterprises.net <http://www.garrisonenterprises.net> 


(704) 569-9044 ext. 254




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-----Original Message-----

From: Jason Miller [ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Wednesday, January 08, 2003 8:25 PM

To: CF-Talk

Subject: Re: CF / Flash Question

Simulate input field?

Why don't you just use the dynamic text field - check the borders.

set it's property to dtsVars.myfile - so it pops in "c:\test.txt" so it

looks like you are actually submitting the form....

perhaps I am missing what you intend.

Also on teh SendAndLoad - you don't need both urls.... it would look


dtsVars.sendAndLoad( "";
<> ,dtsVars,"POST");

Lastly - to check it the send and load was a success you would do -

dtsVars.onLoad = function(success){


            // whatever you want flash to do if send and load was

successful like

           goToAndPlay("My Scene",1);


Hope I actually answered your question :)

jason miller

Joshua Miller wrote:


Anyone know if something like this is possible with FlashMX ?

function respond(){

goToAndPlay("My Scene",1);



function upload(){

dtsVars = new LoadVars();


dtsVars.onLoad = respond;

dtsVars.contentType = "multipart/form-data";

dtsVars.sendAndLoad( "";
<> ,dtsVars,"POST

 <> <> ");




It shure would be nice to have the ability to simulate the <input

type="file"> field within Flash.

Is there another way to send file uploads from Flash? Can I embed an

HTML form in Flash???

Joshua Miller

Head Programmer / IT Manager

Garrison Enterprises Inc.

www.garrisonenterprises.net <http://www.garrisonenterprises.net>


(704) 569-9044 ext. 254





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