It is truly a sad day for this country, and for the world.  We've lost 7
very brave and honorable people.  I simply wanted to express my sorrow and
shock at the tragedy of this morning.  I happened to have met several of the
members of this crew due to special function we jointly attended.  So this
brings this shock even closer to home.

To the crew of Columbia...

We will miss you all, and will never forget who you are and what you stand
for.  Thanks for being part of making our country great.  I know that *I*
will strive to be worthy of your efforts.

To the family of the crew members...

All I can say is that you should be VERY proud.  Hold your head up while you
morn.  They deserve it.


On a personal note, I suggest that each of us send a donation to our
favorite charity in the names of:

Rick Husband
William McCool
Michael Anderson
Kalpana Chawla
David Brown
Laurel Clark
Ilan Ramon

... then go hug your kids, wife/husband/girlfriend/boyfriend, father,
mother, sisters or brothers, and even you best friend.  Tell them that you
love them, and remember that it only takes moments -- to end a life or to
brighten a life.  Brighten one before it ends.

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