>I have installed CFMX and can operate under the CFMX web server on port
>8500.   That's cool. But I can't get it to connect to IIs, and the fault
>is in the package I downloaded from Macromedia's site.  Don't tell me
>different because I have seen it a dozen times now.
>What happens is that the install package extracts a file called
>jrunwin32.dll which gets a create timestamp as at the moment it's
>extracted from the install package.  Later, when you need to connect to
>IIs, the following message is logged when the connect routine aborts:
>C:\CFusionMX\runtime\lib\wsconfig\jrunwin32.dll newer than JAR file
>C:\CFusionMX\runtime\lib\wsconfig.jar so not extracted
>This means that none of the following events in that routine occurs,
>including creating a folder called \1\ which is supposed to contain
>jrun.dll. The file jrunwin32.dll is included in the download. It is
>extracted by the install routine, which promptly falls over on its own
>file.  THAT is a flaw in the install routine, surely. It's nothing to do
>with my machine.  Isnt that correct? Or am I reading it wrong?  Surely
>this is a fault in the package I downloaded from Macromedia.

Mike - please paste the rest of the log file from:


As I stated last night in my email to the list, this is *NOT* an error. When
you run wsconfig.exe for the first time, this file is extracted. On
subsequent runs, it checks to see if the file has been extracted before, if
it has, it prints out the message above and moves on to check for the
existence of JRun on localhost. From what I saw last night, your actual
error is in the log file right below what you quoted above...so let's see
the entire contents of that log file :)

You can even delete the entire wsconfig directory
(C:\CFusionMX\runtime\lib\wsconfig\) if you wish! The connector will just
create a new one for you along with jrunwin32.dll the next time it is run.

So again, the quote above is *NOT* an error. It's completely normal

>However, jrun is actually running on my system.  I don't know why
>because it didn't exist before the install of CFMX.

Correct - a version of JRun is installed as part of CFMX.

We'll get this sorted yet! :)

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