----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Blood Python" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2003 8:43 AM
Subject: How many tables per datasource?

> Hi, how's everyone doing?  :)
> I never thought about it until today, when i was asked about it while
> explaing a bit if mysql for a friend. Is there a rule or best pratice to
> know when it's time to create another datasource? Maybe spliting 1
> datasource with many tables on 2 or 3 increases performance...

I'd say there's a really simple rule -- you need a new datasource when you
need to change one of the datasource connection properties that live in the
datasource configuration.

You can split a *dataBASE* for performance -- usually across different
filesystems -- but the *dataSOURCE* is basically a configuration for
accessing the database. You can think of crazy counterexamples -- tuning the
number of simultaneous users and such in the datasource settings, but that
is a really strange situation. And it fits into the simple rule I propose
above -- new datasource when you need a new "configuration" for the
connection to the database. I've seen situations where one datasource has
only stored proc permissions (a MSSQL datasource) for the web "user" to use,
while the admin app had SELECT/INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE as well -- but the
database permissions and the username/password fields in CFQUERY could have
handled that as well.

Now if you're thinking about tuning the database to avoid hotspots and other
performance issues, that's all about the database, not the datasource. And a
very different discussion :)


John Paul Ashenfelter

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