I couldn't agree more.

I have achieved a similar work flow using FDFs and ColdFusion without
problems (except some people not having Acrobat Reader installed) at a
rate of approximately 100 per hour. 

I also have used Active PDF and believe it to be overpriced and overkill
for the requirements outlined though for certain things relating to PDF
generation it is the most suitable solution on the market.


-----Original Message-----
From: Sicular, Alexander [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 25 June 2003 13:42
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Active PDF?

I'm using cfml to dynamically create fdf files. The link you supply to
your interface calls the fdf. Within the fdf are all your dynamic data.
The fdf itself hold a pointer to a blank pdf template. The template is
loaded and all the data goes in the right holes. Acrobat reader (free
version) supports form submission. Basically all the data comes back to
you via http and is in the form scope when you go to process it.

Overall there are many ways to do this , but this one is free.

Alexander Sicular
Chief Technology Architect
Neurological Institute of New York
Columbia University
as867 {at} columbia [dot] edu

-----Original Message-----
From: Jim Campbell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, June 25, 2003 12:10 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Active PDF?

Howdy -

I have a client who wanted to convert a number of Word-created forms to
PDF's and put them up on their site.  No sweat.  Then, they wanted the
user to be able to fill out form fields and have Acrobat do all the
math, and they could print out a nice, cleanly filled-out form to sign
and fax. Again, no problem at all.

Now, however, they'd like to take the final step and have fully
interactive PDF's - where certain dynamic fields are populated from
database information, and the user can "submit" the PDF like they would
any other web form and have CF process it accordingly.

I've looked at ActivePDF, but before I dive into that, I wanted to send
out some feelers to the group to see if anyone's worked with that with
CF5 before.  Money's not an object (to a point), so if there's a
particularly awesome package there I should look into, I'm open to some
suggestions.  I am fiddling with XSL:FO syntax right now, but it's not
exactly what I'm looking for, since I have to work off a
previously-existing document (and I don't have a great deal of time to
really get elbow-deep in *yet another* XML spec.)  :)


- Jim

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