hehe troll.

Silly people.
-----Original Message-----
From: Angus McFee [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, July 30, 2003 4:22 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: RE: re: Mach-II

Hal - 
I've heard from plenty of people looking for a way to beat up on Fusebox,
but usually they have nothing to say when it comes to building a better
framework. This is the first time in a long time anyone has suggested an
alternative approach, and I really don't see how any of this benefits
developers. This mach-ii stuff looks like just another petty attack on
It's pretty clear we see things differently when it comes to building Web
applications. I don't know you, but I can tell you are a pretty intelligent
person, so you probably have some good reasons for why you don't like or
hate fusebox. 
What I have to ask you is: do you use fusebox? Becuase there are plenty of
people who are ready to attack it anytime and don't even know ColdFusion,
much less what a framework is. You will probably never be convinced about
the benefits of fusebox, all I can do is disagree with you, and point out
all the great things fusebox does for developers:
* it separates business logic from presentation logic, making for more
organized, efficent code 
* it gives developers a common set of rules and methods to work from, so
that everyone can understand what the other people are doing on a project
regardless of the size of a team
* it modularizes and encapsulates code, making it easier to reuse and thus
to maintain
* it is self-documenting, containing a complete, inline XML standard for
documenting your applications
* most importantly, there are thousands and thousands of fusebox developers
out there, and more and more shops are choosing to use it every day. it is
close to becoming a de-facto standard, which I doubt your mach-ii
'framework' will ever be able to match
Angus McFee
-----Original Message-----
From: Hal Helms [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, July 30, 2003 2:16 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: RE: re: Mach-II

You're right, Dave. We're not looking to be able to incorporate Fusebox 3
(or 4) with Mach-II. We think that Fusebox is a great framework for
procedural programmers. (Please, God, don't let this degenerate into yet
another pro/con Fusebox debate...) 
Mach-II, though, is meant to be a pure OO framework. Fusebox and Mach-II
have in common some good software engineering principles, but are very
different things. I'm really referring to (a) backwards compatibility and
(b) cross-language compatibility.
Hal Helms
"Java for CF Programmers" class 
in Las Vegas, August 18-22

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