
Sessions are defintly not sticking. If you simply reload page 1, you get a 
new CFID each time. However, if you pass the token that is shown, like 
this: http://bluegrass.org.au/1.cfm?CFID=275755&CFTOKEN=84747459, and then 
reload the page, the session does stick. So the problem is apparently that 
the session is not planting the cookie that track the session between requests.

So, you could just append the #urlToken# to all of your anchors and it 
should work. This would also negate the need to have cookies enabled 
in  the browser.

Why it is not planing  the cookies I do not know...


At 04:31 AM 9/2/2003 +1000, you wrote:
>Here's another thought. ...   when I first talked to my sysadmin he said he
>didn't have session vars enabled in the CF administrator.  Then when I asked
>again a short while later to confirm, he said they were definitely enabled.
>(I got him to tell me the settings he had and they were the installation
>If he's actually turned them on between times,  should he restart the CF
>Server too or does the administrator enable them immediately when you click
>"update changes"?
>Michael Kear
>Windsor, NSW, Australia
>AFP Webworks.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Mike Kear [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Tuesday, 2 September 2003 4:06 AM
>To: CF-Talk
>Subject: RE: Session vars not being retained. Any ideas why?
>Well I still have the problem with session vars not being carried across
>from one page to another.
>I verified that the server has session vars turned on and the timeouts are
>still the installation defaults.
>I have set up 3 pages,  containing nothing but links to each other, and a
>cfdump of the session struct.
>The pages are:   http://bluegrass.org.au/1.cfm and 2.cfm  and 3.cfm.
>On the first page,  1.cfm I have also put the following code to simulate
>setting the session vars when someone logs in:
><cfset session.auth = StructNew()>
><cfset session.auth.UserLastName = 'Kear'>
><cfset session.auth.UserEmail = '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'>
>When you look at 1.cfm, you can see the auth struct in the session CFDUMP
>right underneath it.   Yet when you go to 2.cfm right after it,  the auth
>struct is gone.
>Can someone else have a look at these pages for me too please make sure it's
>nothing to do with my browser settings?
>Michael Kear
>Windsor, NSW, Australia
>AFP Webworks.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Mike Kear [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Monday, September 01, 2003 9:55 AM
>To: CF-Talk
>Subject: RE: Session vars not being retained. Any ideas why?
>AH!  I think we've found the problem.  I checked with the sysadmin and he
>had session vars turned off in the CFMX administration console.  That would
>kind of put the kybosh on any session-based authentication wouldn't it.
>Now I'll have another go at it and see where we go from here.
>Thanks for your offer Andy, but I'll work on the site again now and if it's
>still not working I might take you up on it.
>Michael Kear
>Windsor, NSW, Australia
>AFP Webworks.
>(sheesh! Never occurred to me that we might have session vars turned off in
>the administrator!!)
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