On Friday, Sep 19, 2003, at 16:24 US/Pacific, Sean A Corfield wrote:
> "slow" in comparison to, say, CFC method invocation.

So I went back and did some linear timings... yeah, I know they don't 
tell you 'real world' performance but it was interesting nonetheless:

I ran these three tests in a long loop:

#1:     <cf_tag> (with tag.cfm in same directory)

#2:     <cfmodule template="tag.cfm">

#3:     <cfimport taglib="." prefix="x"/>

<x:tag> was the fastest - by quite a margin; next was <cf_tag>; slowest 
was <cfmodule>. There wasn't a huge difference between <cf_tag> and 
<cfmodule> tho'. Here's a sample result for 100,000 iterations:

cf_tag: 12148
cfmodule: 13497
x:tag: 9465

tag.cfm contains just:

The test file looks like this:

<cfset a = getTickCount()/>
<cfloop index="i" from="1" to="100000">
<cfset b = getTickCount()/>
cf_tag: #b-a#<br />
<cfset a = getTickCount()/>
<cfloop index="i" from="1" to="100000">
        <cfmodule template="tag.cfm">
<cfset b = getTickCount()/>
cfmodule: #b-a#<br />
<cfimport taglib="." prefix="x" />
<cfset a = getTickCount()/>
<cfloop index="i" from="1" to="100000">
<cfset b = getTickCount()/>
x:tag: #b-a#<br />

Sean A Corfield -- http://www.corfield.org/blog/

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