> I don't exactly know, but the harvesters are getting smarter and
> smarter. I did a test page with a standard CFMAIL on it, using a new
> email address I set up for just the test, and I got my first 10 SPAM
> email at that address less than 24 hours later.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but if harvesters are able to get email
addresses from your CFMAIL tags, you've got bigger problems than spam!

Since CFMAIL is used on the server side to Send email, the email address is
never displayed in the browser.


-----Original Message-----
From: Les Mizzell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, December 18, 2003 10:24 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Hiding an Email Address from harvesters

Pete Ruckelshaus wrote:

> How are they able to harvest email addresses from CFMAIL tags?  I don't
> understand how this would even be possible if the page is coded properly?

I don't exactly know, but the harvesters are getting smarter and
smarter. I did a test page with a standard CFMAIL on it, using a new
email address I set up for just the test, and I got my first 10 SPAM
email at that address less than 24 hours later.

Believe me, they ARE parsing CFMAIL tags and acquiring the addresses.

Will try another test setting the address in the application file and
see what happens.

Les Mizzell
“Mihi placent, O Pincerna!
  Virent ova! Viret perna!
  Dapem posthac non arcebo.
  Gratum tibi me praebebo.”
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