Rob wrote:

>>Did you figure out what datatype it is having problems with? i.e. only
>>>selecting one field at a time. Can it get just an int ok?
>>All of the datatypes seem to match up just fine.  I've gone out of my
>>way to make them all match.  If I remove the refcursor from the
>>procedure call, then it gives an error telling me that the procresult is
>>not defined.
> I mean you are selecting varchar2 and char in your refcursor have you
> just tried one or the other to see if it has a problem with just one of
> those datatypes - it's probably a conversion between what the drive says
> is a query and what cf thinks is a query, but I was hoping the
> Unsupported data conversion was refering to one of the column types.

Hm.  I tried with varchar2(50) at each point, and with char(50) at each
point.  Both gave me the same error.

Richard S. Crawford
Programmer III,
UC Davis Extension Distance Learning Group (
(916)327-7793 / [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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