Nick Han wrote:

> Richard, I think in order to call an Oracle stored procedure through Cold Fusion, you need to create a package spec.
> Don't think you can solely reference the procedure name directly.
> Create a package spec and put your procedure in the package body.  After you have done that, modify your calling code to
> <cfstoredproc datasource="DLCampus" procedure="PACKAGE_SPEC_NAME.PROCEDURE_NAME">
> Procedure name in this case is "test_dlc_sp_getStudentInfo"

Thanks for the tip.  I've done that (I've been planning on putting all
of our SP's into one or two packages anyway).  Unfortunately, I got the
same error when I tried again.

> Nick Han
>>>>[EMAIL PROTECTED] 03/08/04 11:28AM >>>
> Richard Crawford wrote:
>>Kristopher Pilles wrote:
>>>What kind of issues are ya having?  I have use CF and oracle together
>>>extensively... perhaps i can help
>>I've posted about my issues before, but I'll happily do so again.  :)
>>I have a stored procedure written in PL/SQL, which I'm attempting to
>>call from Cold Fusion, but only errors are generated.
>>Here is the stored procedure:
> Hm... My earlier post seems to have gotten truncated.
> Let's try again.
> Kristopher Pilles wrote:
>  > What kind of issues are ya having?  I have use CF and oracle together
>  > extensively... perhaps i can help
> Kristopher,
> I've posted about my issues before, but I'll happily do so again.  :)
> I have a stored procedure written in PL/SQL, which I'm attempting to
> call from Cold Fusion, but only errors are generated.
> Here is the stored procedure:
> ===============================
> CREATE OR REPLACE procedure test_dlc_sp_getStudentInfo (
>    studentID IN number,
>    studentInfo OUT types.cursorType
> )
> as
> sFirst varchar2(50);
> sLast varchar2(50);
> sOrient char(1);
> begin
> open studentInfo for
>      select
>          sFirst,
>          sLast,
>          sOrient
>      from
>          tblStudentInfo
>      where
>          sid = studentID;
> fetch studentInfo into sFirst, sLast, sOrient;
> close studentInfo;
> end;
> /
> ===============================
> Here is how I call the SP from Cold Fusion:
> ===============================
> <cfstoredproc datasource="DLCampus" procedure="test_dlc_sp_getStudentInfo">
>      <cfprocparam type="in" value="1881" cfsqltype="cf_sql_number">
>      <cfprocresult name="getName">
> </cfstoredproc>
> ===============================
> At this point, I've trimmed the CF page down to just this little tiny
> snippet.  If it works, it should generate no output at all, but I should
> be able to reference, say, sFirst like this later on in the same page:
> <cfoutput query="getName">#sFirst#</cfoutput>
> or
> <cfoutput>#getName.sFirst#</cfoutput>
> In older versions of CF, a result set from an Oracle SP would have to be
> referenced with a variable in the cfstoredproc section; with MX (which
> is what I'm using; not MX6.1), it's sufficient to reference a result set
> from an Oracle SP which is returned by a ref cursor with the
> cfprocresult attribute.  I think I'm right about this, but I will
> happily accept that I'm wrong if it means that I can get this all
> working.  ;-)
> At any rate, when I try to execute the script, I get this error:
> ===============================
> Error Executing Database Query.
> [Macromedia][Oracle JDBC Driver]Unsupported data conversion.
> ===============================
> I don't know if this means that I'm experiencing a problem with the way
> I've written my stored procedure, the way I'm referencing it in Cold
> Fusion, or if I've got a problem with JDBC (I've got the native CFMX
> drivers referenced in my datasource definition in Cold Fusion).
> Any help would be more than appreciated.  I'll send you a six-pack if
> you can help me figure out this problem.  :-D

Richard S. Crawford
Programmer III,
UC Davis Extension Distance Learning Group (
(916)327-7793 / [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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