Nick Han wrote:

> You need the ref cursor.  "types.cursorType"---don't take this out.
>>>  studentInfo types.cursorType;
> did you declare "types.cursorType" in the package spec?, and it has to be a ref cursor type!  
> example: TYPE cursorType IS REF CURSOR; <=====  you need this line in the package spec or else it will not work!
> again, it looks like you need to wrap this procedure in a package and invoke it through Cold Fusion via [package_name.procedure_name] in the storeproc tag.   

Yep, I've got a package called dlc and this procedure is part of the
package body; I invoke the procedure with
"dlc.test_dlc_sp_getstudentinfo".  types.cursorType is defined as a ref
cursor in the package called "types".

> Nick Han
>>>>[EMAIL PROTECTED] 03/08/04 03:35PM >>>
> It yields this error:
>   Variable GETNAME is undefined
> Rob wrote:
>>what does
>><cfdump var="#getName#">
>>On Mon, 2004-03-08 at 15:25, Richard Crawford wrote:
>>>Well, I altered the stored procedure as follows:
>>>PROCEDURE test_dlc_sp_getStudentInfo (
>>>    studentID IN number
>>>  )
>>>  as
>>>  studentInfo types.cursorType;
>>>  sFirst varchar2(50);
>>>  sLast varchar2(50);
>>>  sOrient char(1);
>>>  begin
>>>    open studentInfo for
>>>   select
>>> sFirst,
>>> sLast,
>>> sOrient
>>>   from
>>> tblStudentInfo
>>>   where
>>> sid = studentID;
>>>CLOSE studentInfo;
>>>  END test_dlc_sp_getStudentInfo;
>>>Essentially, I removed the studentInfo ref cursor from the parameter list.
>>>Now, I run the Cold Fusion page, and the "Unsupported Data Conversion"
>>>error message is gone.  Woo hoo!
>>>However, if I call the Stored Procedure from Cold Fusion like this:
>>><cfstoredproc datasource="DLCampus"
>>> <cfprocparam type="in" value="1881" cfsqltype="cf_sql_decimal">
>>> <cfprocresult name="getName">
>>>I would hope that I could get at the value of sOrient like this:
>>>Unfortunately, now I get a new error:
>>> Element SORIENT is undefined in GETNAME
>>>I don't know if I'm making progress or not.

Richard S. Crawford
Programmer III,
UC Davis Extension Distance Learning Group (
(916)327-7793 / [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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