Say I've modeled the inheritance in this manner (table per class):

I'm having a tough time figuring out how to join a (subclass's) table
whose name comes from a column value.

Assuming this is the right way to go about it, how would I join the
Person superclass to the Employee subclass?

ID  Name           Type
1   Jamie Jackson  Employee <-- used in join

ID  Salary
1   1000000.00

I can't just do...
SELECT t1.Name, t2.Salary
FROM Person t1 LEFT JOIN Employee t2 t1.Id = t2.Id
WHERE t1.ID = 1          ^^^^^^^^
... Since I don't know the ("Employee") table name until after a

Is there a SQL (preferably vanilla) trick to doing this dynamic join
in a single query, or do I have to use multiple queries (or sprocs)?

Alternatively, should I wimp out and use views (which would likely be
reused for reporting)?

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