Dave Watts wrote:

>>I've also checked the SQL in the SP's that CF calls, and
>>there seems to be nothing wrong there; when I run them in the
>>command line they only take a few seconds to run.  However,
>>it takes several minutes for the login to process on the web.
>>I'm at a loss. Anyone got any ideas as to what I could check
> As Jochem suggested, you should check the patch history of the Windows
> machine.
> You might also try connecting from other clients on other machines, to see
> if you can narrow down the cause of the slowdown. You might use ViennaSQL
> and the MS SQL Server JDBC driver to test.

I don't maintain the server myself.  I hate working with Windows
servers, so I'm quite happy that I don't have to maintain this one.  ;-)
  As far as I know, our NT babysitter keeps it up to date.

I've tracked the problem down, actually, to a single table in the
database which appears to be corrupted.  It may have happened during a
recent attempt to replicate the table from another database.  At any
rate, it's moved beyond a CF question to a SQL Server question.

Richard S. Crawford
Programmer III,
UC Davis Extension Distance Learning Group (http://unexdlc.ucdavis.edu)
(916)327-7793 / [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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