Hmm I definately had RDS installed  but,  I dont think I pointed to the correct place for the JRE in the Administrator settings

I'm getting a sequelink error now,  apparantly it couldn't start and now I cant get CF Server to start.

>If your machine doesn't acknowledge the JRE, you might need to reboot, or at
>least log off and log on to cycle explorer.  Furthermore, the browser
>applets only work if you have RDS installed on the server.  They'll load,
>and then tell you they can't connect if you don't have RDS access.
>You can easily copy and paste the path to your Access file into the CF
>admin.  Just find the it with windows explorer, copy the location, and paste
>it into the CF admin.  That's all the browser button is doing, just lets you
>do it remotely, which shouldn't be an issue if you're sitting in front of
>the server.
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