On Wed, 26 May 2004 11:56:36 -0400, in cf-talk you wrote:

>I'm trying to run Verity Spider (vspider.exe) commands using
><cfexecute>. Some of the commands stop mid-way through, and the
>process dies. I am using batch files to keep the <cfexecute> as
>uncomplicated as possible, and I'm also using long timeouts, as well
>as output files.

<edited for clarity>
>The same batch files work like a champ from the command line itself,
>but as I stated, <cfexecute> commands hang early in the process, and
>then the process dies.
</edited for clarity>

>I've tried the commands using cfx_exec and cfx_execute with the same
>results, which led me to believe it was somehow a permissions issue.
>We then changed the CF Application service's account to use local
>admin, and that's having the same problems. It just seems that no
>matter how I try to get CF to execute this batch file, it just dies
>under the influence of CF itself.
>Any idea why this is happening? Also, does anyone know a good way to
>execute a batch file in some other creative way from a browser, or
>some other way to insulate the execution of the command from
>whatever's causing it to fail?
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