Burns, John D wrote:

> Can anyone recommend webmail application that works with POP3 that works
> well and has a good UI?  CF would be nice, but not a necessity.  It's a
> Windows 2003 Server and we have PHP and ASP enabled.  Easy to set up
> would be a good thing.  It's actually working with iMail installed
> directly on that server but the iMail web interface can only be accessed
> over non-standard ports (default is 8383) and some of my clients are
> running into problems with accessing that because of firewalls and such.
> iMail does it all through it's own "web server" so there's no way to
> point IIS to a directory and make it work.  If someone knows of a good
> app that interfaces with iMail and all of it's features that'd be even
> better, as long as it can be under port 80.  Otherwise, just a simple
> POP3 email application would be great.  Thanks!

I haven't found a good webmail app that works well with POP3.  If IMAP
is an option for you, look up Squirrel Mail.  It's written in PHP and
has pretty decent functionality.  It should work on Windows, as long as
you have PHP installed.

Richard S. Crawford
Programmer III,
UC Davis Extension Distance Learning Group (http://unexdlc.ucdavis.edu)
(916)327-7793 / [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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