We use UebiMiau. It's in PHP free and our clients seem to like it.

You can look at our demo.

http://webmail.arcriver.com/ <http://webmail.arcriver.com/>

password: demo

The Calendar does not come with it.

Rick Eidson
Partner & CTO
ArcRiver Technology, LLC
ASP, PHP, PERL, Cold Fusion Hosting Kansas City
http://www.arcriver.com/ <http://www.arcriver.com/>

Kansas City Musicians
http://www.1sourceentertainment.com/ <http://www.1sourceentertainment.com/>

-----Original Message-----
From: Burns, John D [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, June 07, 2004 2:39 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Good, free (or cheap) webmail application

IIS.  Thanks, I'll check that out.


-----Original Message-----
From: techmike [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, June 07, 2004 2:24 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Good, free (or cheap) webmail application

IIS or Apache?

I'm a big fan of Squirrel mail, but I've never be able to get it running
right under IIS.  It's PHP btw.  www.hotscripts.com has a pretty nice
selection of freebies.


-----Original Message-----
From: "Burns, John D" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Mon, 7 Jun 2004 13:52:24 -0400
Subject: Good, free (or cheap) webmail application

> Can anyone recommend webmail application that works with POP3 that
> works well and has a good UI?  CF would be nice, but not a necessity.

> It's a Windows 2003 Server and we have PHP and ASP enabled.  Easy to
> set up would be a good thing.  It's actually working with iMail
> installed directly on that server but the iMail web interface can only

> be accessed over non-standard ports (default is 8383) and some of my
> clients are running into problems with accessing that because of
> firewalls and such.
> iMail does it all through it's own "web server" so there's no way to
> point IIS to a directory and make it work.  If someone knows of a good

> app that interfaces with iMail and all of it's features that'd be even

> better, as long as it can be under port 80.  Otherwise, just a simple
> POP3 email application would be great.  Thanks!
> John Burns
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