I agree.  We have a variety of otherwise pretty good backup software
available - Retrospect and BrightStor.  They seem to do backup okay.  It is
only the restore that never seems to work.

We dump everything to a file via a maintenance plan and back that up.

Caveat:  If you are doing big league ecom and need to backup 12 times a day
(literally), you need to use software like Retrospect and BrightStor with
their respective SQL server agents, otherwise you will take too much of a
performance hit.

Cary Gordon
The Cherry Hill Company
Wishing that I was in Phuket wasting baht on just about anything...

At 01:34 AM 6/9/2004 +0700, you wrote:
> > AFAICS the standard tools for SQL Server for doing backups, well, um,
> > suck.  You might try searching for some evaluation copies of 3rd party
> > tools, there was one I used once but I forget its name now.
>i think you have that backwards. pretty much most folks on the sql server
>list will recommend using sql server to dump out your backup via one of the
>maintainence wizards & shuffling that off to tape/etc. i wouldn't waste a
>single thai baht (1/40 of a US$) on another sql server backup add-on.
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