Open a new window, then bring your main window to the front, via _javascript_.  If you want to allow the user to navigate away from your page, this would be the only way to do so and allow the long running process to continue.


-----Original Message-----
From: Jim Davis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, July 13, 2004 4:50 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Releasing client to do another process?

You could call another CF page in an image tag - it'll run, but the rest of
your page should download fine (although the browser won't consider it

Something like this:

<img src="" height="1"

Jim Davis

From: Dave Phillips [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, July 13, 2004 2:10 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Releasing client to do another process?

Hi folks,

Okay, here's my situation.  I have a process that I want to run whenever
a user registers for my system.  The problem is, this process can take
some time and I don't want to make the user wait for it to complete.  Is
there any way in CF that I can, in a sense, 'fire off a process' but
release the client to continue on to the next page so they don't have to
wait for it to finish?

Any ideas are welcomed and appreciated.  Thanks!
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