
I expect that the cfscript version of that particular code is going to be
significantly slower than the cfml version.  The cfml version is taking
advantage of a list loop with does a single tokenization of the list.  The
cfscript version tokenizes the list twice in each iteration--once for the
listLen call and once for the listGetAt call.

Some things are still better left in cfml.

Please feel free to prove me wrong--I'd be very happy in this case.

Best regards,



> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jochem van Dieten [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, August 06, 2004 2:52 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Re: Can the following be written in cfscript?
> Che Vilnonis wrote:
> > If yes, how would it look. :)
> >
> > <cfif NOT isDefined("Form.Fieldnames")>
> > <cfset Fieldnames = "CCType,CCNumber,CCID,CCMonth,CCYear,CCExpire">
> > <cfloop list="#Fieldnames#" index="i">
> > <cfset Form[i] = "">
> > </cfloop>
> > </cfif>
> if (NOT IsDefined("Form.Fieldnames") {
>      Fieldnames = "CCType,CCNumber,CCID,CCMonth,CCYear,CCExpire" ;
>      for ( i=1 ; i LTE ListLen(Fieldnames) ; i = i + 1 ) {
>          form[ListGetAt(Fieldnames,i)] = "";
>      }
> }
> Jochem
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