I've never heard of it violating laws, but it violates many sites'
privacy policy.  I'm assuming it doesn't violate yours, in which case
(AFAIK) it's legal but not necessarily a good practice.


Matt Blatchley wrote:

> Hey folks,
>     Recently I talked to a few different people and we've been debating back
> and forth about the legal issues associated with tracking users and the
> information about the user.
>     The Web metrics program I'm using tracks the usual...ipaddress, country,
> state, ISP, keyword/search engine, and site path of the user as they go from
> page to page within a site.  This is all fine, but two different people have
> told me that once I match up the statistical data with a person who has
> placed an order, or filled out a contact form is not legal.  Anyone know of
> this?  Sounds like bullshit to me, but I figured I'd ask you all since I get
> the most informative responses from the experts.  Apparently they tell me
> that matching the stats with the data filled out on a web form / web order
> is too much information about one individual and violates some laws.
> Although, they didn't know or tell me which laws were broken.  Anyone else
> heard of this?
> Matt
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