Hey folks,

    Recently I talked to a few different people and we've been debating back
and forth about the legal issues associated with tracking users and the
information about the user.

    The Web metrics program I'm using tracks the usual...ipaddress, country,
state, ISP, keyword/search engine, and site path of the user as they go from
page to page within a site.  This is all fine, but two different people have
told me that once I match up the statistical data with a person who has
placed an order, or filled out a contact form is not legal.  Anyone know of
this?  Sounds like bullshit to me, but I figured I'd ask you all since I get
the most informative responses from the experts.  Apparently they tell me
that matching the stats with the data filled out on a web form / web order
is too much information about one individual and violates some laws.
Although, they didn't know or tell me which laws were broken.  Anyone else
heard of this?

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