Barney Boisvert wrote:

> You can't make CF do it, but you can certainly do that with
> mod_rewrite.  These two rules should be pretty close, though they
> might not be perfect.  (obviously assume your server has mod_rewrite
> enabled):
> RewriteEngine On
> RewriteRule ^/cfmx(.*\.pl)$ /$ [L]
> The rewrite phase of Apache's request processing happens before it
> hand off to JRun/CFMX, so the request will be "moved" out of the CFMX
> context root before being sent to CF at all.

It worked with a bit of modification:

RewriteRule ^/cfmx(.*\.pl)$ /$1 [L]

This puts two /'s in the URL before the filename for some reason, but if
I insert another / between cfmx and (.*\.pl), I get a redirection error.
  This will do for now.  Also, with the .pl after the $1, the URL had
two ".pl"'s appended. ;-)


Richard S. Crawford
Programmer III: Oracle/Solaris Wrangler
UC Davis Extension Distance Education Group (
2901 K Street, Suite 200C
Sacramento, CA  95816
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