> The New Year's Eve site I do (www.firstnight.org
> <http://www.firstnight.org/> ) needs a fairly complex map of Boston with
> locations and special markers which of course change every year.  I've
> doing the site going on nine years and the map is always one of the most
> challenging aspects.

because you're treating it as a graphic rather than a database.  "the map is
a database. the database is a map." used to be my motto (now of course it's
"just use unicode"). if you stuff your basic spatial datasets into a db &
use some kind of GIS to return what you need and/or add spatial features on
the fly, you will save yoruself quite a bit of trouble. if you can install
CGI programs on your server & don't mind fiddling w/some code a bit then
mapserver's always a good bet http://mapserver.gis.umn.edu/ delivers a
graphic to the client rendered on the fly from your database. and you can
finely control quite a bit of it.
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