I have a security check in my Application.cfm that checks to see if the
requested page requires a login, and if the person is not currently logged in,
calls the logon page, sending it the requested page.

In the logon page, I copy all URL to the <FORM> statement and create <INPUT
TYPE="HIDDEN"> for each FORM variable.  In the logon action page I either
<CFINCLUDE> the original page if provided OR go to the home page.

  -----Original Message-----
  From: Paul Giesenhagen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Tuesday, September 07, 2004 1:31 AM
  To: CF-Talk
  Subject: Return Links (best practice)

  What are some of you doing to return people to where they were once they
have logged in.

  I am curious what are some of the best methods to returning users back to
where they came from after they log in.

  Example;  user is browsing your website and comes to a form to submit some
information.  But they have to be logged in as a member first.  So instead of
showing them the form, you re-direct them to the login page where they can
either login or sign up.

  Also assuming there are MANY places for this type of situation to happen
throughout the site.  What are some good methods to get them back AFTER they
have logged in and/or signed up.


  Paul Giesenhagen
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