yes but you can also run the update to knock out past connections when you update the current time, that is what I do.

-----Original Message-----
From: Sung Woo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, September 07, 2004 8:23 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Count Online Users Conundrum

I've been tied up with stuff lately, but I finally have a bit of a breather, so I'm ready to tackle this thing once and for all.  I just want to get some feedback on what I plan on doing:

On my site, UserID (an integer) is a session variable.  I'll create a structure that has the following three columns:

userid     last

"last" will be a datetime stamp that'll update every time they send a request to the site, i.e., click on something.  Then every 15 minutes, I'll run a "cleanup" script that'll knock out any "last" values that are in excess of 15 minutes from Now().  Does this sound like a viable option?  Thanks!

- Sung
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