> We have a completely fresh, pristine and virgin installation of Windows
> Server 2003 Standard, and we're trying to install MX 6.1 Pro onto it.
> Every time we try, it goes right through the installation to point of
> "Installing Web Server Connectors..."
> Then it pops up a cmd.exe window with nothing in it, and hangs. Forever!
> We've tried leaving it for over an hour, nothing happened. It wouldn't
> even respond to the Cancel button. So we killed the installer, deleted
> all CF files and went through the registry deleting anything matching
> "Macromedia"
> When we run it again, the same problem occurs.
> We've tried telling the installer to use the built-in web server, use
> only the default IIS web server, configure all IIS websites - same thing
> happens every time.

I haven't run into this problem, so I don't know how much help I'll be.
You're saying that the install runs the web server configuration utility
even if you choose the JRun web server during the installation? I've never
seen that happen before.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
phone: 202-797-5496
fax: 202-797-5444
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