It's generally true that CFML, as a "higher" level language that removes
much of the "silliness" you find in lower-level programming languages, will
not perform as well as Java/JSP. But,

  - It's also generally true that code written in "C" will outperform Java,
and code written in machine-level assembly language will generally
outperform "C" (though there are Java and "C" adherents who will dispute
both of these). However, Java is generally preferred over "C", and "C" is
generally preferred over assembler because of the productivity advantages.
People are expensive; writing and maintaining complex software systems is
expensive; CPUs and RAM are cheap (and getting cheaper). Unless you're
writing one of those rare applications where milli- and micro-seconds of
performance are critical, the trade-off of performance for productivity is
generally more than worth it. The same is true for CFML versus
Java/JSP--CFML is generally a much more productive programming environment
than Java/JSP.

  - For web applications that involve database access, the database is going
to be your performance bottleneck. Your web application, whether written in
CFML or Java/JSP, is going to spend most of its time idle waiting for a
response from the database. CFML can wait just as fast as Java/JSP. :-)


Vince Bonfanti
New Atlanta Communications, LLC


From: Sung Woo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, September 07, 2004 9:48 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Java+JSP 10 times faster than CF? And Other Ruminations.

I just came back from a weeklong training session with java/JSP
programming and have a couple of things to discuss.

FYI, I've been a long-time CF programmer (first version of 3.1).
I've dabbled in UNIX shell scripts, perl, ASP, VB, and Pascal (yes, Pascal!)
in my past incarnations, and hands down, I have found CF to be the best for
me.  It is the most intuitive programming language I've encountered so far.
That opinion hasn't changed after my intro to java/JSP.

Anyway, here goes:

1) Since CFMX 6.1 is now running off of jrun, is it reasonable to
see it as a huge and complicated set of JSP custom tags?  JSP seems to
behave very similarly to CF -- you write the code in a .jsp file and the
compiler creates a .class file after the initial run.  There are a ton of
custom tags for JSP, and after sifting through them, it seems like CF can be
seen as a large custom tag.

2) To quote Hal Helms:

"Java is a high-performance language. Java with JSP (similar to
ColdFusion for presentation) is over 10 times faster than using ColdFusion.
A single JSP server can handle 10 times the number of simultaneous requests
that ColdFusion can."

I found this very disturbing, but I can see how this could be true.
In JSP, the equivalent of a CFOUTPUT of a form field is as follows:

<%= ${form_field} %>


<% request.getParameter("form_field") %>

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