I don't have any experience with their ColdFusion hosting, as I use their ASP.NET servers, but aside from that, I've got nothing but good things to say about CrystalTech. I've been with them for well over six months now and haven't had a single problem with them at all. I'd comment on their customer/technical support, but the service has been so good that I haven't had to use it at all. My guess would be that their ColdFusion support is equally as good.

// YEX //


From: Qasim Rasheed [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, September 20, 2004 11:45 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: OT- Hosting Recommendation

I knew this question has been asked several times and I searched
through the archives but couldn't find a good solution. Here is my
requirements any reocommendations, advice is appreciated

Requirement: CFMX 6.1, SQL Server 2000, Authorize.net, mail and good
customer service. Budget is 30-40$/month.

My initial list is CrytalTech, hostmysite or cfdynamics.

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