
Thanks a lot - that's a helpful start!


-----Original Message-----
From: Ryan Duckworth [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, November 09, 2004 3:21 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: CC Gateway question

Authorize.net is our current provider.  We have thought about switching
several times in the past as well due to outages.  I would recommend
looking into https://www.yourpay.com/ which I have researched and has
lots of CF sample code.  I don't know about your specific problem, but
they may be able to help.

Good luck.

Ryan Duckworth
Macromedia ColdFusion Certified Professional
Uhlig Communications
10983 Granada Lane
Overland Park, KS 66211
(913) 754-4272

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark A Kruger [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, November 09, 2004 2:33 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: CC Gateway question

Come on folks - I'm counting on a little insight here (pleading look).

-----Original Message-----

Among the online gateways out there - who does everyone like?

I'm having trouble with "Atuhorize.net".  Using an "auth_only" followed
by a
batch "previous auth capture".  Recenty we turned on Address

If I do an "auth only" and it comes back as declined due to AVS, it
out that the "auth" is still created on the customers card.  It is up to
issuing bank to decline and remove it. Authorize.net provides no way to
an auth_only that has been declined due to AVS. My customer does high
transactions (usually between 500 and 1200 per transaction).  So if they
the Address wrong that auth sits on the card for days until the bank
"officially" declines the card.

Do all the gateways work this way?  Do any of them have a way to remove
auth from a card if it's declined via AVS?  The irony is, if they turn
the AVS they can often void the transaction before it's shipped (sigh).
anyone out there have any ideas on this?  Any one know of a gateway that
works differently or gives different options?


Mark A. Kruger, CFG, MSCE

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