Richard Crawford wrote:
> Here's what I've tried so far:
> Moving one test message from /Undelivr to /Spool.  Of course there's a 
> typo in the name, so I changed it from "Undelievered_Mailxxxxx" to 
> "Undelivered_Mailxxxxx".  I also tried removing the "Undelivered" part 
> of the mail.
> Once I had moved and renamed it, I restarted the JRun server.  Then I 
> watched the Spool directory to see when the message would leave the 
> spool.  Eventually, the message vanished from the Spool directory but it 
> was not delivered.  When I checked the Undeliv directory, the message 
> was there.  I checked the mailsent.log file and saw only that the 
> message had been moved, but there was no reason listed for why the 
> message was undeliverable.
> In order to test this process, I introduced a deliberate error into the 
> Mail Server settings of the Cold Fusion administrator, so that the 
> system would not be able to contact the mail server.
> Any help would be greatly appreciated.

All right, I'm a goober.

When I set the log option to "debug", I was able to find out the exact 
error.  Turns out that I had to fix the mail server IP address in the 
undelivered message file.  Once I moved the file, renamed it, and fixed 
the IP address, then restarted the JRun server, the mail was delivered 
and received properly.

Like I said, I'm a goober.

Thanks to everyone who offered up suggestions and assistance.

Richard S. Crawford
Programmer III
UC Davis Extension Distance Education Group (
2901 K Street, Suite 200C
Sacramento, CA  95816

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