I've worked on precisely zero web apps that didn't have to have functionality 
added to it.

I've worked on precisely zero web apps that didn't have to have maintenance 
done to it.

This is over the course of 7 years.

Everything a developer writes can benefit from OO.  Does it make apps more 
maintainable?  Sure.  Can it make it worse?  Sure.  Do I have to use my brain 
cells to make sure it's more maintainable?  Yes.

Aww heck.  I don't even know why I try here.  I've never met so many damn "IT" 
people that are so unwilling to even try something new and try to at least have 
an informed opinion, but instead like to criticize something that doesn't fit 
into their narrow programming view using the usual lame ad hominem and straw 
man attacks.  (this is not directed at you, Steve).

>>> Other than for code re-use, I still don't quite understand why OO is being
>forced onto a concept that is inherently procedural.
>Forced is a strong word, but probably accurate given the current environment
>in development today.  As people have said, there are situations where it is
>useful and others where it is most likely overkill.  A good example of
>overkill is when developing a Mom & Pop, Inc. web site to sell watermelon
>lollipops, or a simple content management system for a small business.  
>However, any major web application of significant complexity (valuate that
>however you will) should be using OO concepts in some degree.  My current
>assignment has me looking over procedural code that was poorly written in
>2000 as bad developers were put into a bad situation.  Fast forward to 2004
>and this code is now a momumental challenge to maintain and extend.  Most
>modules easily reach 300-500 lines of code (sometimes more) and can
>accomplish several tasks.  Tracking down one bug, even for highly skilled
>developers, can take an entire workday.  It would require 8-12 months for a
>team of 3 or more developers to repurpose this into a manageable and scalable
>As we have heard, examples like this abound (which I still find amazing these
>days), and the best thing to focus on is writing clean, simple code that is
>adequately documented and follows industry best practices.

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