> Intersting, I've never had problems getting them to work, but I do
> recall tinkering from time to time which I am sure is the problem.
> The CFEclipse project, and I know you are refering to Eclipse in
> general, wasn't started to make a full on IDE, but to add CFML Support
> to Eclipse.

Understood, and I personally think CFEclipse is great at what it does.

That said, I switch tasks constantly all day so I really need an all purpose
text editor more than an IDE. Eclipse (with various sundry plug-ins) is
about 85% of the way there for me.

Believe it or not, one of my favorite features of HomeSite is the dual file
explorer because it allows me to switch to a different task without losing
my place in the file system. I just wish HomeSite would let me create n
number of file manager instances.

> He3 was going to / is making a CFML IDE, but pehaps I'll
> bundle some up. Mark Drew and I were just talking about it, but I
> don't think it would be wise to burnded the CFEclipse project with
> bundling an IDE on top of everything else.

I agree. I was just trying to give a little perspective from someone who
really wants to use Eclipse/CFEclipse for daily chores but can't quite make
the switch -- yet.

> Interesting... do you have a blog somewhere or can you post what
> troubles you have had either to the cfeclipse mailing list or me
> directly? I'd like to try to limit the issuse people are having with
> Eclipse in general as much as I can so people dont get too much of a
> bad taste :)

That's greatly appreciated. I actually gave Eclipse a shot before CFEclipse
existed but didn't make it nearly as far as I did once you guys started work
on CFEclipse. Your work is greatly appreciated.

> I'll try to build a quick informal bare bones eclipse .dmg with the
> following support:
> CFML, JS, CSS, Basic XML (cant use xmlbuddy its commerical). I'll list
> the steps if you don't yet have a Mac ;) if you think that'll help.

Don't go out of your way. I actually just started a new instance of Eclipse
(because of this conversation). I downloaded the non-SDK version this time.
I program very little Java, and it seem like the non-SDK version takes up
much less RAM and runs faster (two other issues I have with Eclipse). I'll
report back issues as I run into them.

> Open source guys are not marketing guys, so often the versions do not
> reflect the maturity of the project. Hell Apache was a 1.3 just a bit
> ago now they are at 2. Its often the marketing people who want to jack
> the version up to give a false sense of maturity

I agree in general, but I think that it really depends on the plug-in. The
ones I mention seem to run the gamut.

> Well cfeclipse is comming up on its 1 year birthday, and it can be use
> daily for sure there are a lot of people doing just that.

I didn't mean to suggest otherwise. In fact, I think CFEclipse goes a long
way towards making Eclipse usable for me.

> I think the
> main hangup is getting it all setup correctly, which again, is not a
> cfeclipse duity - but the cfeclipse mailing list and the side projects
> that may be coming up might fix a lot of that

I agree, and I'm looking forward to it.

> Thanks for trying it out Ben, if you give it another go, join the
> cfeclipse mailing list and we'll try to get you going.

Will do. I'm already subscribed to many mailing lists. I get roughly 1000
(legitimate) messages a day. So, I try to be careful about which lists I
join. As long as general (though related) Eclipse questions are tolerated, I
think the cfeclipse list would be a good one to join.


Ben Rogers

Special thanks to the CF Community Suite Gold Sponsor - CFHosting.net

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