> From: C. Hatton Humphrey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> It's a preference of mine... I don't like to write three 
> stored procedures that do the same thing... I want one up_get 
> procedure that will return either the entire recordset, those 
> that match a text lookup or a single record based on PK 
> reference.  Here's a very basic up_get stored procedure:
> Make sense?

I know what you are saying but I prefer the opposite. I like to have
nice concise sotred procedures that do one thing and do it well. I don't
have a problem with having a couple hundred stored procedures for my
application; when they all do something specific and very efficiently
that is easier to maintain than 50 stored procedures that are full of
conditionals and span 20 vertical pages.

To each his own. All I wanted to point out was that the attribute is no
longer used and that, in my opinion, adding one more location to couple
your DB to your calling code should (in my opinion) be avoided.


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