> From: Micha Schopman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sean, .. that latest is not true. DWMX engineers even 
> confirmed not being aware of the bugs on conferences. It is 
> not an issue of the engineers, it is an issue of the 
> engineers not being informed.

Honestly, don't you think Sean would have more insight into the issue
than us, especially since he works at MM? I know he does not work on the
tools team but let's face it, he doesn't toss a recommendation to submit
items to the wish list for nothing... It servers a purpose, so we should
use it, not just for DWMX but for any MM product.
> And honestly, .. I payed big bucks for the product, I don't 
> really care about emotional thoughts behind it. I just want a 
> working product for the money. We have about 30 licenses here 
> for DWMX.

"Working product" is very subjective. What's broken? What additional
features would you like to see in later releases? What might be "broken"
in your opinion might not be in someone else's. The engineer's won't
know what to enhance or add unless we, the users, send them feedback
through the wish list.


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