well you sold me. IMHO I thnk Britta would be quite impressed at how well a
healthy remote relationship could work for her. I'll try not to get
pontifical - but I would like to see her try it.

But I think she has some ideas for the parttime position that would force it
to be local.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Peter Farrell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "CF-Talk" <cf-talk@houseoffusion.com>
Sent: Friday, March 11, 2005 10:33 AM
Subject: Re: Need to hire CF Programmer Vancouver

> To bad it's only open to locals.  I'm in Montréal and remoting isn't bad -
I've done it for three years now.  As for the telephone support, I've been
on Vonage with US telephone number for my clients in the states.  Just to
get a number in Vancouver and transfer calls.  Also, since all long distance
is included - just x-fer calls on the service plan.  They also have a roming
future that will ring multiple numbers at a time and who ever picks up gets
the call.
> Secondly, someone on the East coast could easily extend support hours to
earlier in the morning because of the time difference.  Support starting at
6am PST instead of 9am.  Or later depending on the a new employee's schedule
(i.e. night workers, etc.).  Sometimes just a little difference - a longer
amount of hand holding with a client - can make a difference between
choosing shop A and shop B.
> Just a thought - some drawbacks with not being local, but some advantages.
Who wants to come into work at 6am PST in Vancouver to start support hours?
> ...Peter

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