>But Will...
>JS is client-side, and CF is server-side...
>The whole universe could convert to CF (and I'd probably be out of a
>job!) and we'd still need JS or something like it (unless, with the
>mass conversion, MM created a CF-based browser that could use CF

With all due respect you missed my point. Or maybe I didn't make it clear. It 
wasnt to get rid of JS, but rather for it to written as easily as CF. CF makes 

<cfif getquery.theID EQ "blablah">
do this

The same thing in JS goes somethin like this.

for (i=0;i<g.length;i++)

output='<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">'
for (i=0;i<g.length;i++){
output+='<tr><td>'+g[i][0]+'&amp;nbsp;</td><td><img src="'+graphimage+'" 
width="'+calwidth+'" height="10"> '+calpercentage+'%</td></tr>'
document.write(output+'<br>Total participants: <b>'+total+'</b>')

Ok, so I exaggerated, but who's the numb skull that came up with ++ and &&?? 
And ==? 

My point is it'd just make life easier if the same creative minds that 
engineered CF to be written much like english also engineered the others. 



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