Hey Tony,

Your suggestion on casting it as a varchar works well. Thanks!

This causes problems for me where I want to apply date formatting to a query
column.  Yes, I know applying a date format in a query result is a
"different" way of doing it. But, I have application where it is required.

Thanks again. 

Mark W. Breneman
-Cold Fusion Developer
-Network Administrator
  Vivid Media

-----Original Message-----
From: Tony Weeg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, April 04, 2005 1:42 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: CFMX7 Now casts query columns as datetime?

cast it as a non-date column, varchar?

then it will come to cf as a varchar and not a date.

not sure why this would be a problem either way?


On Apr 4, 2005 2:21 PM, Mark W. Breneman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Has anyone else noticed that CFMX7 now casts a date column as date 
> time in queries? Or is it just a Monday and I have not recovered from the
> When I run a query to get one record
> <cfquery name="getbuilds" datasource="#database#">
> SELECT    StartDate, RecordId, RecordDate
> FROM         BuildsData
> where recordid = 1
> </cfquery>
> The query returns #getbuilds.StartDate#  = 2005-01-26 00:00:00.0
> <cfset foo =
> querysetcell(getbuilds,'StartDate',DateFormat(getbuilds.StartDate,
> "mm/dd/yyyy"))>
> Even after the querysetcell #getbuilds.StartDate# = 2005-01-26 
> 00:00:00.0
> Can anyone tell me how / if I can make CFMX7 return non typed columns?
> The funny thing is, this was a feature I was hoping MM would add. I 
> just did not know it would cause problems with my legacy code.
> MB
> Mark W. Breneman
> -Cold Fusion Developer
> -Network Administrator
>   Vivid Media
>   www.vividmedia.com <http://www.vividmedia.com/>
>   608.270.9770

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