On Monday 18 April 2005 14:40, Damien McKenna wrote:
> > Let's face it, the internet needs and overhaul at this stage,
> > and RIA's show promise.
> Several companies have attempted to provide an alternative method of
> interacting with the internet.  One of the best was Rebol
> (http://www.rebol.com/) but they've been on life support for several
> years.  RIAs are another attempt.  XUL applications are another attempt.
> Microsoft's Avalon is yet another attempt.  Which will gain substantial
> marketshare and last past the next three years is hard to say, I suspect
> Microsoft will possibly become the defacto standard simply because
> people always upgrade their Windows machines to the latest and greatest.

The Internet has been around for, what, twenty years, and it's only been in 
the last six or seven years that anyone outside a few universities and 
government agencies has even taken an interest in it.  The World Wide Web is 
but one part of the Internet, although it's certainly one that's growing in 
importance (because a website that you can look at in Firefox is a heck of a 
lot more interesting than an SCP session to the average user).

Microsoft has attempted several times to gain control over the user's 
experience of the Internet, without success.  Hopefully, MS will continue to 
fail in its attempt to dominate the Internet; I, for one, would really hate 
to see the Internet Microsized.

Richard S. Crawford
Programmer III
UC Davis Extension Distance Education Group
2901 K Street
Sacramento, CA  95816

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