> I just installed CF7 on our dev box, I let choose the
> option to coexist with
> the cf6 instance already on the server, so it was setup
> using the inbuilt
> webserver.

> I then disconnected CF6 from IIS and connected CF7 to IIS.
> All sites have
> index.cfm as the default document but for some reason its
> not being picked
> up as i get directory browsing error message when i try
> and access a site...

> any ideas?

Wouldn't that mean your CF7 instance is still set up to use the
built-in webserver rather than to use IIS? ... Generally speaking, if
the plan is to connect CF7 to IIS, I would say don't use the coexist
option in the installation -- tell it to install into IIS and select
which IIS websites you want to install into (instead of all websites)
if you want to maintain some CF6 websites. I use separate websites in
my development environment to maintain & test multiple versions of CF
Server, so I never use the coexist option during installation.

s. isaac dealey     954.522.6080
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