On Thursday 05 May 2005 13:09, Bryan Stevenson wrote:
> > Personally, even for the biggest sites I've run, I've never needed a
> > full-fledged enterprise level database.  If I did, though, I'd probably
> > go with Oracle or some other vendor
> and that's exactly where we're heading....but the VC has to come in first
> ;-);-)
> with MySQL...my feeling is that you need to "add" all sorts of things that
> come standard in MS SQL and Oracle...hell...even Access
> If I had a huge data repository that was never changed...I'd use MySQL for
> the speed...but that ain't what I'm up to...I need Stored Procs...ref
> integrity among other useful tidbits
> Damn...and I even said to leave this debate alone

I just figure it's a matter of personal preference.  If I need added 
functionality in MySQL, I'll just whip together something in Perl.  Others 
prefer not to spend the time or the brainpower.

Though I really thought that the meat of my earlier post lay in my joke about 
Larry Ellison.

Richard S. Crawford
Programmer III
UC Davis Extension Distance Education Group
2901 K Street
Sacramento, CA  95816

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