> Yeah, it is... I personally don't think it's a good thing, but I can
> certainly understand the motivations of people who attack open source
> projects. I would think they'd have to fall into two categories -- the
> first being the same sort of motivations that drive some teenagers to
> pull the wings off of flies (or write viruses) and the second being
> people who are threatened by the project. I would venture a guess that
> the attacks probably originated with someone who owns or works for a
> company producing a competing commercial product and who's seen their
> paying customers dropping their product in favor of this free
> alternative.

Not that I really know anything, but I'd be surprised if any company felt
that threatened, and if they did, thought that snipes like this would have
much effect in the long run. IMO the random vandals theory is much more

Dave Merrill

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