On Tuesday 31 May 2005 12:42, Russ wrote:
> >In addition to phpmyadmin (which I've grown to love) there is also the
> >mysql control center and a couple of other GUI tools which have been
> >developed.
> >And for the hardcore, there's always the MySQL command line, which I would
> >frequently kill -- or at least maim -- to have in MS-SQL Server.
> Isn't that what SQL Query Analyzer is?

Not quite, no.

To elaborate, here is a situation which came up for me last week.  I was 
working at home due to illness, and I needed to debug some problems we were 
having with our SQL Server database.  At home, I do not have a copy of either 
the Enterprise Manager (licensing issues) or the Query Analyzer (not 
compatible with my computer).  I would love to be able to shell in via ssh to 
the server and execute SQL straight from a command prompt (but then, as I've 
mentioned, I usually prefer a CLI interface), but I can't do that with SQL 
Server.  If I have SQL Qery Analyzer on my desktop then yes, it's more or 
less adequate.  So what I'd like is the ability to shell in to the remote 
server and execute commands there, rather than on my desktop.

Richard S. Crawford
Programmer III
UC Davis Extension Distance Education Group
2901 K Street
Sacramento, CA  95816

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